Heart & Heritage Stables
HomeBoarding ServicesEquine ReikiUnbridled WaysEASE Programs

Heidi Garvey 802-355-8998
            At Unbridled Ways, interactive activities with a horse help you                                 reach your personal goals.

Working with such powerful beings provides learning opportunities in areas such as insight, trust, respect, honesty, creativity and communication.
Highly in-tuned with human non-verbal communication and behavior, horses provide us with a deep understanding of how our non-verbal communication impacts or influences others.
Interacting with horses stimulates heightened self-awareness, concretely revealing patterns of behavior and providing the opportunity to think and respond in new ways.
Safely engaging with such large and beautiful creatures results in realilty-based improvements in self-esteem and self-confidence.

Equine Guided Coaching  is targeted towards individuals experiencing a life transition or seeking to improve life satisfaction or to shift problematic patterns or behaviors. This technique allows each individual to learn how to become more present and mindful of the sensations within their own body and how these sensations relate to emotions that they are experiencing. The team includes the horse, participant, and an experienced Equine-Facilitated Coach.

Equine-assisted Learning (EAL) is targeted towards individuals experiencing a transition or seeking to improve life satisfaction or to shift problematic patterns or behaviors. It fosters improved team performance and cohesiveness through development of leadership, trust, and communication. The team includes the horse(s), participant(s), an experienced Equine-Facilitated Coach or licensed Mental Health Professional and a Trained Equine Specialist.

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) is targeted towards individuals, couples, or families with psycho-social or mental health needs including, but not limited to, anxiety, behavioral challenges, depression, and major life changes that include environmental changes, divorce, grief, and loss. The team includes the horse(s), participant(s), licensed Mental Health Specialist and a Trained Equine Specialist.

            For more information please view our website

Unbridled Ways at Heart & Heritage Stables
“I was able to experience my personal power and my ability to be in charge of myself and my world directly. It is easier for me to move forward in life from a more grounded and stronger foundation. I have a renewed faith in myself, and a greater love for and acceptance of myself and others.”  Naomi Mitsuda

“Working with the horses and their compassionate intuitive human partners made my beliefs, my patterns of behavior and patterns of decision making visible. From there, the horses let me put this knowledge immediately into interaction with them. I am not a rider and had never worked with horses before, but these giant powerful beings radiated absolute trust and safety that let me find and be my truest self.” Dana Walrath